Naveenajeemootasamanavarnam Ratnollasatkundala shobhikarnam Mahakireetagramayuraparnam Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...1
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Whose color looks like as the color of a New Cloud. Whose ears are decorated with Jewels earings. Whose crown is decorated with the Feathers of Peacock
Nidhaya panidwitayen venum Nijadhare shekharayatrenum Ninadayantam ch gatau karenum Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...2
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who holds by both hands a flute on his lips. Who also assumes a bunch of flowers on his hairs Who is walking like an elephant.
Vishuddhahemojjvalapeetvastram Hatariyootham ch vinapi shastram Vyartheekrutanekasurdvidastram Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...3
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who wears yellow and bright cloth looks like pure Gold. Who also destroys without weapon the folk of enemies. Who also makes useless the weapons of many demons.
Adharmtishyarditasadhupalam Saddharmvairasursandhakalam Pushpadimalam vrajrajabalam Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...4
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who protects virtuous people who are being made unhappy by anti-social elements. Who is as good as the king of death for the folk of demons who are the enemies of religion. Who is also beutified with a garland of flowers. Who also is a child of the King of Vraz.
Goppepriyarambhitarasakhelam Raseshwareeranjankrutprahelam Skandhollasatkumkuma chinhachelam Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...5
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who is beloved of females cow-herd, and player of Raslila (sport of string) Who also gives joy to Rasesvari (Goddess of Ras) Shree Radhikaji. Whose shoulder is decorated with Red (or blood) color piece of cloth.
Vrundavane preetataya vasantam Nijashritanapad uddharantam Gogopagopeerabhinandayantam Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...6
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who lives in Vrandavan with joy and pleasure. Who is destroyer of miseries of his own followers. Who is a giver of joy to Cow, Cow-Herd, and Females Cow-Herd of Gokul.
Vishvadvishanmanmathadarpaharam Sansarijeevashrayaneeyasaram Sadaiva satpurushasaukhyakaram Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...7
I bow down to Shree Radha-Krishna Dev, Who destroys the pride of God of Love who's enemy of everyone. Who is also as good as the Supreme abode for the Worldly Jivas. Who always gives happiness to saints.
Ananditatmavrajavasitokam Nandadisandarshitadivyalokam Vinashitaswashritajeevashokam Shree Radhikakrushnamaham namami ...8
I bow down to Radha-Krishna Dev, Who is always giving pleasure to the residents of Vraja by His transcendental pastimes. Who is mercifully showing His Dhama (residence) to Nanda and other devotees; Who diminishes the sadness of the living entity surrendered to His Lotus Feet